1. N. Pirogov - founder of topographical anatomy.
2. Arterial system of the head, anastomoses and their practical significance. Types of incisions on the head
region and their anatomical and surgical argument.
3. Projection of the abdominal organs on anterior- lateral wall of the abdomen. Types of laparotomy.
4. Content of subperitoneal "floor" of the pelvis. Communications with other regions.
5. Landmarks, limits and clinico-topografical division of anterolateral wall of abdomen. Organs projection.
6. Scapular arterial anastomozes Scheme. Critical and optimal level for axilar artery ligation.
7. Ways of pus dissemination from proper retroperitoneal space. Accesses to the retroperitoneal space organs
(kidneys, ureters, drainage in case of phlegmon).
8. Topography of the lateral wall of nasal region - vascularization, innervation. Maxillary sinus puncture,
indications, technique execution.
9. Main neurovascular bundle of the arm - sintopy in superior, medial and inferior thirds.
10. Areas of weakness of the diaphragm, content and importance.
11. The anatomotopografical particularities of external abdominal hernia, places of occurrence and methods of
plasty. Hernioplasty of posterior wall of the inguinal canal.
12. Cervical fascia according to V. Shevkunenko concept, content, practical importance. Cellular spaces and pus
13. Clinical anatomy of the sternocleidomastoid region, layers and scalenovertebral triangle.
14. Obturator canal – walls, content, neurovascular elements sintopy. Clinical value.
15. Anatomotopografical particularities in direct inguinal hernia, production mechanism. Notion of herniotomy
and hernioplasty.
16. Clinical anatomy of the spleen (sintopy, scheletotopy, holotopy). Getting surgery of the spleen
17. Frontoparietooccipital region. Limits, layers, inervation, particularities in vascularization. The spread of
pathological collections (hematoma, abscess, phlegmon).
18. Projection, composition and sintopy of dorsal neurovascular bundle of the foot. The practical importance.
19. Topographic anatomy of the duodenum - the corelation with peritoneum, vascularization, innervation.
Concept of operations in case of perforating duodenal ulcer.
20. Meninges and intermeningiale spaces of the spinal cord. Spinal and lumbar puncture (stratigraphy,
21. Laws of N. Pirogov about neurovascular trunks and fascial sheaths. The practical importance.
22. Chopar şi Lisfranc joints – structure and practical importance.
23. Clinical anatomy of vagus nerves in abdominal cavity. Types of vagotomy.
24. Projection, composition and sintopy of medial neurovascular bundle of the neck.
25. How differentiate clinical lesion of the internal carotid artery from internal one? The optimal level of
external carotid artery ligation and complications that may occur.
26. The surgical anatomy of synovial sheaths and synovial bursae of the flexor digitorum tendons mm. Path in
the drain opening and features in tendovaginitis.
27. Topography of the phrenic nn. in the mediastinum, function.
28. Topography of the mezenterial sinuses in the peritoneal cavity, communications, practical
importance. Predilection places in pathological accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
29. Topography of antescalen space – limits, content, practical importance.
30. Surgical anatomy of humeral joint – ligaments, muscles, synovial bursaes, vascularization, inervation and
week places.
31. Peritoneal level of female pelvis. Puncture notion of Douglas recessus.
32. Inguinal space, limits, variants, practical importance. Notion of the hernioplasty.
33. Topography of the thoracic aorta, segments, branches.
34. Neurovascular pudendal bundle, pudendal canal – limits, practical significance. Pudendal anesthesia,
indications, technical execution.
35. Justify topographically the humeral head position in humeral dislocation. Weak places of the scapulohumeral joint capsule.
36. Draw the scheme of the arterial system of the stomach and liver.
37. Contemporary methods of studying clinical anatomy (topographic).
38. Sympathetic trunk and vegetative neural plexus in the retroperitoneal region. Definition of sympathectomy.
39. Radial nerve canal on arm – segment delimitations, content, practical significance. Definition of neurolysis.
40. Clinical anatomy of the large intestine. Critical areas of vascularization.
41. Abdomen - subdivision, peritoneal cavity, floors and their contents. Predilection places of pathological
collections accumulation, methods of diagnosis.
42. Critical areas in the vascularization of the large intestine, draw the scheme. The practical importance.
43. Syntopy of the axillar neurovascular bundle in the next triangles: clavipectoral, pectoral and subpectoral.
44. Parametral space. Relationship of the ureter with the uterine artery, practical significance.
45. Scheme of the femoral artery collaterals. Optimal and critical segment in the femoral artery ligation.
46. Topographic anatomy of the small intestine – vascularization, innervation, lymphatic drainage, mesenteric
47. Topography of the azygos, hemiazygos veins and the thoracic portion of the sympathetic trunk.
48. Topography of male and female ureters in the pelvis. Clinical significance.
49. Possible ways of pus spreading from axillary cavity. Surgical approach for drainage and opening of the
50. The surgical anatomy of the hepatoduodenal lig., bilio-cystic triangle Budde or Callot. Clinical significance.
51. Skin innervation, sources and segmental appartenance of the nerves by regions.
52. Explain phonation and breathing disorders in thyroid goiter. Defenition of thyroidectomy, indications.
53. Topographico-anatomico peculiarities of kidney blood supply (extra and intraorganic). Definition of
54. Orbit communications with the surrounding regions – ways of pus spreading
55. The surgical anatomy of the posterior region of the forearm. Cellular spaces and surgical approach for
drainage and opening of the swollen.
56. Position of the bone fragments in humerus fracture distally from deltoid muscle insertion. Definition of
57. Intermeningeal spaces and brain cisterns, their content, circulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the norm and
58. Surgical anatomy of the femoral hernia. Plasty methods of deep femoral ring.
59. Topographical anatomy of the gluteal region – stratigraphy, vessels and nerves. Cellular spaces
communications and ways of pus spreading
60. Clinical anatomy of the spinal canal and spinal cord. Epidural blockade.
61. Limits and the triangles of the perineum, stratigraphy (the lower floor of the pelvis).
62. The surgical anatomy of the cervical trachea. Tracheostomy (types, technique).
63. Topographic anatomy of the sciatic nerve, projection line, relationship with anatomical structures along the
way. Sciatic nerve blockade.
64. Topographical anatomy of the rectum – relationship with peritoneum, vascularization, innervation, venous
reflux. Definition of hemorrhoidectomy.
65. Justify topographic the evolution of the median nerve compression syndrome in the carpal region, functional
disorders, hand position.
66. Inguinal region. Inguinal canal at the carriers and nonocarriers of hernia.
67. The surgical anatomy of the pericardium, sinuses, practical importance. Pericardium puncture.
68. Topography of the thyroid and parathyroid glands - vascularization, innervation.
69. Talocrural region. Locate the superficial neurovascular formations in the region.
70. Clinical anatomy of the mammary gland. Argumentation of typical incisions in case of mastitis.
71. Projection of facial artery, superficial temporal artery and the place for determining the pulse. Reasonable
incisions on the cerebral and facial regions of the head.
72. Abdominal lateral canals – limits, the pus spreading. Predilection sites of accumulation of the pathological
73. Parotido-maseteric region. Weak places of the parotid gland, possible ways of pus spreading.
74. Cellular spaces of the pelvic floor, possible ways of pus spreading. Types of paraproctitis according location
75. The surgical anatomy of the venous system of the lower limb. Safenectomy.
76. The surgical anatomy of the liver segmentation, practical significance. Notion about resection of the liver.
77. Trepanation triangle and "attack square" on mastoid processus, limits, projection, relationship with
connecting anatomical structure. Possible complications in trepanation.
78. What anatomical structures does prevertebralis fascia cover on the neck? Cellular communications of the
prevertebral space.
79. Clinical anatomy of the extrahepatic bile ducts. Definition of cholecystectomy.
80. Clinical anatomy of the infraclavicular region. Cellular spaces and access ways.
81. Antero-medial region of the thigh. Neurovascular femoral bundle – projection, components and sintopy.
82. Topographic anatomy of the subcutaneous pelvic floor. Purulent collections of the ischiorectal fossa.
83. Temporopterygoid and interpterygoid celluar space from deep facial region – delimitation, components,
84. Argue anatomo-topographic carpi ulnar canal syndrome (Guyon), indicate possible functional disorders,
hand position.
85. Landmarks and topographic divisions in the hand region. Accesses ways to the hand lodges.
86. Petit lumbar triangle and Grynfelt Lesgaft Kraus lumbar quadrangle (tetragon). Limits, practical importance.
87. The surgical anatomy of the abdominal cavity. Porto-caval anastomoses.
88. Topographic anatomy of the pancreas – vascularization, innervation, relationship with surrounding organs.
Access ways to the pancreas
89. The projection of the exit opening of the terminal branches of the trigeminal nerv, practical significance.
Anesthesia of the terminal branches of the trigeminal nerve.
90. The surgical anatomy of the inguinal canal. Clinico-anatomical criteria in differentiation of the direct
inguinal hernia from oblique one.
91. Clinical anatomy of the urinary bladder, urinary bladder malformations. Dissemination ways of the urinary
infiltrations in the urinary bladder injuries
92. Posterior wall of the axillary fossa - trilateral and quadrilateral orifices – delimitation and content.
Communications of the axillary adipose tissue.
93. Indicate the critical segments of arterial vascularization on the upper limb in drawing scheme. The practical
94. The surgical anatomy of the omental bursa, limits, practical significance.
95. The surgical anatomy of the cruropopliteal canal – limits, orifice, content.
96. Topographic anatomy of the paranephron – limits, content. Paranephron communications.
97. Anatomo-topographic peculiarities in the structure of oblique inguinal hernia, the production mechanism.
Hernioplasty of the inguinal canal.
98. Aponeurosis and fascial lodges of the metacarpal region, (drawing scheme). The practical importance.
99. Innervation of the anterior-lateral abdominal wall, the practical importance.
100. Canals, grooves and fascial lodges in the plantar region. Communication and practical importance.
101. The superficial venous system of antero-lateral abdominal wall. Venous porto-caval and cavo-caval
anastomoses. Clinical significance.
102. Gluteal region. Cellular spaces and possible ways of the pus spreading from gluteal region.
103. Vascular system of antero-lateral abdominal wall. Clinical significance.
104. The topography of medial malleolar canal, limits, syntopy of anatomical structures.
105. Constitution types, individual and age anatomical differentiation.
106. The syntopy and projection of anatomical structures of ulnar and radial neurovascular bundles on forearm.
107. The peritoneal cavity recesses, clinical significance. The term of internal hernia.
108. The scheme of collaterals of a. femuralis, the optimal and critical segments.
109. The topography of paracolon fatty tissue, limits, contents, ways of spreading of pus.
110. Deltoid region – limits, layers, nerves, vessels. Surgical approaches at subdeltoidean flegmon.
111. Topography of pleura – limits, pleural sinuses. Pleural punction.
112. Topography of abdominal part of esophagus, the rapport with vagus nerves and the peritoneum. Vagotomy.
113. Topography of the scapular region, vascularization, inervation, cellular spaces and ways of spreading of pus.
114. Topographical anatomy of vertebral canal. The anatomo-clinical argumentation of lombar punction.
115. The anatomotopographical particularities of congenital inguinal hernias.
116. Laparatomy. Types and stratigraphy of incisions on the white line. The term of laparascopy.
117. Gluteal region. Ways of spreading of pus from gluteal region.
118. Prevesical cellular spaces. Limits and practical importance.
119. The anatomo-clinical particularities of liver sanguine system, draw the scheme.
120. The ways of spreading of hematoma and pus from the temporal region. Incisions made for opening temporal
cellular spaces.
121. Topography of femoral triangle (Scarpa), limits, stratigarphy, syntopy and projection of neurovascular
122. Ischiorectal fossa and pararectal abscess. Surgical approach and communication.
123. Particularities of vascularization of rectum. Hemorrhoidectomy.
124. Projection of facial artery, superficial temporal artery and the place of determination of pulse. Rational
incisions in facial and cerebral regions.
125. The main neurovascular bundle of the brachial region – syntopy in superior, medium and inferior 1/3.
126. The anterior osteofascial compartment of the leg. Limits, content, communication, projection, components
and syntopy of the tibial anterior neurovascular bundle.
127. Ways of spreading of pus from retroperitoneal space. Surgical approaches to the retroperitoneal space.
128. Cellular spaces of cervical region, ways of spreading of pus. Landmarks for opening the cellular spaces.
129. The topographical anatomy of portal venous system, tributary veins, deep porto-caval anastomosis and the
practical importance.
130. The limits and contents of carpal canal, syntopy of anatomical structures. The carpal canal communications
in proximal and distal directions. The term of carpal canal syndrome.
131. Posterior region of the leg. Projection, contents and syntopy of posterior tibial neurovascular bundle.
132. The medial neurovascular bundle of the neck. Bring arguments where to compress the carotid common
arteries for the hemostasis and the risks of venous bleeding in cervical region.
133. The topography of anatomical structures from the posterior mediastine.
134. The inguinal canal in normal and hernia. The term of inguinal space, practical importance. The contents of
inguinal canal.
135. The surgical anatomy of Parona-Pirogov cellular space from the forearm, ways of pus spreading. Surgical
approach for drainage of this space.
136. Lacuna musculorum and lacuna vasorum in subinguinal region – limits, contents (scheme).
137. The particularities in evolution of inflammatory-purulent process of the parotid gland, ways of spreading of
pus, clinical signs.
138. The surgical anatomy of the sheath of rectus abdominis muscle. Draw the scheme.
139. The surgical anatomy of azigos and hemiazigos veins.
140. The topography of vastoadductor canal (Hunter) – limits, orifices, content, syntopy.
141. The landmarks and the topographic regions in facial portion of the head, age particularities.
142. Projection and methods of indentification of interal jugular vein for the catheterization.
143. Limits, walls and content of axillary cavity, syntopy of neurovascular bundle elements at the level of
clavipectoral, pectoral and subpectoral triangles.
144. Typical seats of accumulation of the pathological fluid in peritoneal cavity. The mechanisms of spreading of
pus in acute appendicitis. Ways of spreading of pus from subhepatic space.
145. The topography of the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve. The technic of anesthesia of the terminal
branches of the trigemen nerve.
146. Layers of the thoracic wall, vascularization and inervation. The topography of internal thoracic artery.
147. The syntopy of laryngeal nerves according to the trachea and the esophagus in cervical region. Clinical
148. The anatomo-topographical particularities in the ombelical hernia structure. The term of the hernioplasty in
ombelical hernia.
149. The surgical anatomy of the mamar gland, limits, vascularization, innervation.
150. The surgical anatomy of mastoid region, limits, vascularization, innervation.
151. The layers of antero-lateral abdominal wall in medial portion, vascularization and innervation.
152. The topographical anatomy of subperitoneal level of the pelvis.
153. The topographical argumentation of evolution of supinator canal syndrome, sensitive and motor disorder.
154. Limits, layers of temporal region.Vascularization, innervation, and cellular spaces.
155. The sinocarotid reflexogenic zone – the term, componence and importance.
156. The topography of the right and left pulmonary hilum, contents, and the syntopy in frontal and horizontal
157. The topography of supra- and infrapiriforme orifices in gluteal region – limits, contents, communication of
the region.
158. The descending of the testicle, peritoneovaginal canal – its role in congenital inguinal hernias. The term of
159. The topography of the vagus nerves in thoracic cavity.
160. The topographical particularities of vascularization of epicranial tissues, the practical importance.
161. Ways of spreading of pus from fascial sheaths of the metacarpal region.
162. Cellular spaces and ways of spreading of pus and hematomas in the frontoparietooccipital region
163. The topography of thoracic part of the esophagus, anatomo – physiological constrictions, practical
164. The topographical anatomy of the spleen – vascularization, innervation.
165. The topography of anatomical structures of the axillary neurovascular bundle in subpectoral triangle. The
projection of axillary artery in the axillary cavity.
166. The topographical anatomy, scheletotopy and holotopy of kidneys. Surgical approaches for the kidneys.
167. Particularities of vascularization of epicranial tissues. Arguing the direction of the incisions made at this
168. The topography of carotid triangle – limits, layers, neurovascular bundle.
169. The topographical anatomy of vertebral canal.
170. Clinical anatomy of the cavernous sinus. Bring arguments to prove the spreading of the pus from naso-labial
triangle in the cavernous sinus.
171. The layers structure of the anterior thorax, vascularization,
172. innervation. The intercostal nerves blockage.
173. The topographical anatomy of the anal triangle – landmarks, layers.
174. The topography of nerves in pelvic region –sacral plexus, sympathetic and parasympathetic plexus.
175. The topographical anatomy of antescalen space – limites, syntopy of the anatomical structures.
176. The scheme of critical arterial segments of superioк member. Lines of projection of blood vessels of the arm
and forearm.
177. The external abdominal hernia – definition, structure, anatomical classification.
178. The posterior arm region. The projection of anatomical structures.
179. The topography of the organs of the anterior mediastinum.
180. The topography of the leg – osteo-muscular sheaths, muscles, vessels, nerves.
181. The shockogenes zones of the abdominal cavity and the practical importance.
182. Surgical anatomy of the umbilical ring and channel in the child and adult.
183. The muscular layers in the anterior region of the forearm. Projection of vascular-nervous package.
184. The surgical anatomy of the spine - the structure, physiological curvatures in the sagittal and frontal planes,
185. Deep facial region - limits, vessels and nerves.
186. Segmental structure of the lungs, according to the International Nomenclature, practical utility.
187. Hip joint - structure, ligaments, vascularization, innervation.
188. Ways of dissemination of purulent collections from the celluloadipose space of the uterus (parametrium).
189. Topographic anatomy of the genian region - stratigraphy, vascularization, innervation.
190. Areas of lymphatic drainage of the thoracic duct and right lymphatic duct.
191. Superficial and deep venous system of the lower leg, their role in venous reflux in normal and pathological
conditions. Safenectomie notion.
192. Spaces for cell-adipose tissue of the pelvis, scheme.
193. Clinical anatomy of the facial nerve. Rational incisions on the face.
194. The components and sintophy of neurovascular packages of the arm.
195. Topography of the phrenic n. in the cervical region.
196. Fascias of pelvis, scheme. The practical importance.
197. Report of the peritoneum to abdominal organs, scheme in the sagittal plane. Recesses of peritoneal cavity.
198. Venous system of the cerebral portion of the head, anastomosis and their clinical significance.
199. Topography of the ureters in the feminine pelvis. Practical significance.
200. Topographic anatomy of the posterior region of the leg - channel Gruber, vessels and nerves, possible ways
of purulent collections dissemination.
201. The surgical anatomy of the hand cellular spaces, practical importance.
202. Topography of ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal n.
203. Duodenal jejunal flexure topography, folds, recesses, Treitz ligament, the process of identification.
204. Topography of upper and lower musculoperonial channels, limits and content.
205. The surgical anatomy of intercostal space - vessels, nerves, practical importance. Anatomic and clinical
argumentation of pleural puncture.
206. Topography of the posterior region of the knee, popliteal fossa, limits, content, spreading of the pus.
207. Clinical anatomy of the cubital region - limits, vessels and nerves.
208. Topography of the lateral triangle of the neck - limits, division, vessels, nerves.
209. Topography of the cecum and vermiform appendix, appendix position to the cecum, relationship with
peritoneum, vascularization, innervation, recesses. Notion of apendectomy.
210. Stratigraphy of anterolateral abdominal wall in the lateral part, vascularization, innervation.
211. Clinical anatomy of the anteromedial region of the thigh - limits, stratigraphy, sintophy of anatomical
formations. Femoral hernia - notion.
212. Projection and sintophy of the popliteal neurovascular bundle. Access path.
213. Scheletotopy and holotopy of parotid and thyroid glands.
214. Projection of heart valves on the chest wall and argumentation of auscultation points.
215. Topography of anatomical formations of the posterior mediastinum, the practical importance.
216. Movement of bone fragments in fractured humerus above the insertion of deltoid m.
217. The areas of compression on the lower limb in case of profuse bleeding.
218. The topography of the plant. Limits, content, pus spreading.
219. The topographic anatomy of pregastric and prehepatic bursa - limits the practical importance.
220. Distinguishing signs of external and internal carotid a., the practical importance. Projection line and accses
221. Fasciocelular lodges of the leg and ways of pus disseminating.
222. The topographic anatomy of the parotidomasseteric region, boundaries, stratigraphy, vessels and nerves.
223. The surgical anatomy of the femoral canal. "Corona mortis". Hernioplasty notion of the femoral hernia.
224. Surgical anatomy of omental bursa, clinical importance.
225. Topographic peculiarities in the structure of sliding hernia.
226. Sintopy of the structures of the left and right renal pedicle, the position of vessels to the aorta and inferior
vena cava.
227. Peculiarities of age in the structure of the cerebral portion of the head, the clinical significance.
228. Possible ways of spreading of the pus from the hip joint.
229. The surgical anatomy of the liver segmentation. The practical importance.
230. Recesses and bursaes of the humeral joint.
231. Topography of the stomach - superficial ligaments vascularization and innervation, the practical importance.
232. The lodje and the fascial sheath of the parotid gland limits, vessels, nerves, Stenon duct projection.
233. Lumbar subarachnoid puncture anatomic and clinical argumentation, stratigraphy.
234. Bichat fat body in genian region, clinical value.
235. Topography of the Winslow (epiploic) orifice. Limits and practical importance.
236. Classification of panaritiums and flegmns of the hand.
237. Topographic anatomy of the anal triangle of perineum - stratigraphy.
238. Anesthesia in surgery of the hand region.
239. Topography of the interscalenic space in the lateral cervical triangle.
240. Retroperitoneal fascias and fat layers, cross-sectional schematic drawing. Their communications.
241. Anatomotopographic particularities of the structures of strangulated hernia.
242. Note the collateral blood circulation in case of ligature of femoral artery proximal to deep femoral artery.
243. Venous drainage of mammary gland and its role in spreading of metastasis in case of cancer. Mastectomy.
244. Surgical anatomy of urogenital triangle – limits, layers.
245. Topography of thoracic duct in posterior mediastinum.
246. Surgical anatomy of omental bursa – boundaries, practical significance.
247. Subdeltoid space – contents and ways of spreading of pus.
248. Landmarks, projections and triangles of cervical region, practical significance.
249. Draw transverse section scheme of carpian region.
250. The relationship of posterior circumflex humeral artery and axillary nerve to surgical neck of the humerus,
practical significance.
251. Venous system of the face, their connections, practical significance.
252. Surgical anatomy of lumbar region – boundaries, layers, vessels and nerves, ways of spreading of pus.
253. Fascial sheaths of the arm, contents. Rational incisions in case of phlegmon of the arm.
254. Osteomuscular landmarks, segments and curvatures of the vertebral column.
255. Subclavicular region. Spaces. Pectoral triangles boundaries. Syntopy of blood vessels and brachial plexus.
256. Topographic anatomy of maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve.
257. Notions about “pelvic levels”, draw a scheme.
258. Landmarks, bones, ligaments and orifices of the pelvis. Obstetrical dimensions of the pelvis.
259. Topographic anatomy of the infraclavicular region – boundaries, layers, vessels and nerves, spaces and its
communications. Surgical access to subclavicular spaces.
260. Topography of the pleural sinuses – limits. Pleural puncture.
261. Lumbar puncture – anatomic and clinical argumentation, landmarks, layers.
262. Clinical anatomy of shoulder girdle. Landmarks and topographic divisions.
263. Ways of spreading of pus from fascial sheaths of the thigh. Surgical access.
264. White line of the abdomen – characteristic, layers, weak points. Hernioplasty in white line hernias.
265. Topographic anatomy of proper retroperitoneal fat tissue – limits, ways of spreading of pus.
266. Ombilical peritoneal folds and inguinal fossae and their relationship to inguinal canal rings. Practical
267. Topographic anatomy of submandibular triangle – boundaries, layers, anatomical structure. Surgical access
in drainage of submandibular abscess.
268. Transverse section of the thigh in median 1/3, fascial sheaths (scheme). Practical significance.
269. Clinical anatomy of the large intestine, vascularization, critical zones in blood supply.
270. Lacuna musculorum et vasorum in the subinguinal space – boundaries, contents, communications with other
regions (draw a sketch).
271. Lumbar region. Limits, landmarks, layers and weak places. Practical significance.
272. Osteomuscular landmarks, boundaries and topographic regions of the thorax. Pleural puncture in case of
273. Topographic anatomy of the superficial vessels and nerves of the neck, practical significance. Anesthesia of
the superficial nerves of the neck.
274. Fascial sheaths of the leg, contents, muscles, vessels and nerves (draw a scheme). Communications.
275. Landmarks and topographic triangles of the neck. Projections of anatomical structures, practical
276. Clinical anatomy of the brachial plexus. Brachial plexus block.
277. Anatomical structures of the neck – draw a transverse section.
278. Cerebral part of the head. Landmarks, projection of anatomical structures and topographical regions.
279. Supramezocolonic space. Operations on the spleen.
280. Cricoconiotomy. Landmarks, layers of incision, technique.
281. Ways of spreading of pus in case of tenovaginitis of the 1’st and 5’th fingers of the hand. Incisions and